Monday, April 10, 2006

Lately I've been thinking about what I need in a church.

What I think I need in a church is:

  • Access to the Sacraments
  • Theologically sound liturgy
  • Commitment to Anglican distinctives
  • Music that does not suck
  • Preaching that is either interesting or short
  • Adult education that is not condescending or insulting
  • Competent clergy
  • One or two activities per year which are not totally geared towards families with children

And I really don’t feel that that is asking too much. Truly, I don’t.

Yet, even if I were able to find that in the EDOT, and it may well exist here. I mean, in a universe of possibilities… . Even if I found that, it still wouldn’t be enough for me because there is one thing more that I not only want but which is a real deal breaker for me. I didn’t realize this until recently but there is something I need more than any of the things listed above, even all of them put together;

I really need to feel that I am wanted.

And that trumps all the other stuff.

I have resisted going to any of those protestant/quasi-protestant splinter churches because they don’t offer any of the things on my list. But, I’ll say this, they do act like they want me. I might even have something of value to bring to them. I’m not saying I’m going to start going to Joel Osteen or anything. But, if I were one day to suddenly find myself at the Oasis Of Love, I think it might feel a damn sight better than Christ Episcopal…

Just thinking about that.