Friday, October 07, 2005

Yesterday I thought about Corinthians 4:9-16 which was the pericope for the day for the Greek Orthodox. It’s that passage that talks about how the poor old apostles were being ridiculed and made fun of, and their followers were… Well, let’s just take a look at it:

We (the apostles look like fools, but you (followers of Jesus) look wise…

we are without honor, you are distinguished…

We are weak, you are strong…

We are hungry and thirsty…

We don’t have fine clothes…

We are treated badly…

We are homeless…

Good grief… That was then, I guess, because these days it’s just the opposite. Those now claiming the apostles mantle are likely to look wise and be distinguished and have several honorary degrees on their paneled walls. They expect us stupid and weak lay folks (that’s what they call us, “folks.”) They expect us to look to them for strength. As if we are really stupid enough to do that. They are never hungry, many are fat. They dress in special clothes to show how special they are. And, it would be unseemly to treat one of them badly. In fact, Episcopal bishops themselves get a pass on bad behavior because nobody wants to tell them when they are being pigs, or even when they are failing to be pastors which is mainly their job; you know, to be the chief pastor and to dress nicely. And, unlike the real apostles, bishops today are likely to live in a home provided by their diocese. It has to be a real nice one too on account of their hospitality duties. Give me a break.

After that I thought about how I used to not be this way. I used to love the Episcopal Church. Truly love it. The longer I am kicked out if it, the less I love it. Pretty soon I think I am going to start hating it. If I can’t be in it, I hate it. Hate it.

I hope I think about something better today.


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