Thursday, September 08, 2005

The Allure of Being Wanted

Today I have been thinking about the allure of being wanted. And, I am using the word allure deliberately because I want to put you in mind of a (fishing) lure which has to get the attention of a fish. Said fish is no doubt on some icthian errand or another, going about the pond or ocean or whatever. The lure has to get the fish’s attention and get the fish to turn aside from what it is doing and do something else, vis, swallow the lure. -- Back to the allure of being wanted.

Several months ago I decided not to tutor Hebrew next year, not to take the religious school offering for adults; but, instead, find for myself some Christian church that would have me. But later I got an email from my rabbi, then I talked to a friend from synagogue, and a few days after that I send an email back to my rabbi saying that I can’t wait to tutor again and that I am excited about the adult class.

Why the change, the total 360? It was the lure. They want me. Why force my way into some Christian church that doesn’t want me when I can just go where I AM wanted. It’s a lot easier. It’s alluring.

When I used to try to get people to volunteer for my Tiger Teams, which is not all that alluring work, I would take some off by themselves and say, “I really want you on my Tiger Team.” It was the allure of being wanted, I just didn’t figure it out until I was on the other side of the lure.

I can hardly resist the lure of being wanted. Other lures mean nothing to me. I can resist all manner of lures. But, the lure of being wanted… Reel me in…


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